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I am lame today....I cant place these...


New Member
long weekend



  • Untitled-1.jpg
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New Member
do you work in this business????? or do we need to do all your work? now i may be speakin outa turn here but we dont mind "helpin".....when you cant find one font, but this is post #4 .....for us to tell you what font you need for every job is getting......how should i say "OLD HAT"!!!!!
DO YOU HAVE COREL??? if not get it, has tons of fonts. also it has a good FONT VIEWER, learn how to use it. we cant do that for you. have a good day hope i didnt offend.


New Member

I don't work in this business...I'm a taxidermist, and seeing that it's not hunting season...I'm slow at the moment and have nothing else to do than to
make posts here all day.
All kidding aside, I work for a 19 million a year company full time
and when I'm not slaving here I own a sign shop that does quite well, thank you!
My current employer deams it unnecessary to pay for anything that will make my work easier and more productive, so forget a font recognition program.
As you might read from the subject of the post, I'm having a rather bad day
and can't think straight.
Now, when I logged on when I first saw this site I must've not read the fine print concerning the amount of posts that I can create in a day's period.
No if someone would be kind enough to remind me what the "Nahum" font is
I would appreciate it alot!!!



New Member
Just for the record....

I have Corel, Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand, Quark
as well as Gerber Omega....

Thank you Jen


Remember what Mommy said....join in everyone...
IF - YOU - DON'T - HAVE - ANYTHING - NICE - TO - SAY -....blah blah


Jen Goodwin

New Member
It's not Garamond, it's Goudy Extrabold. Love that font! Now settle down everybody and get to work! :)
You're welcome Shovelhead. :thumb:

Jen Goodwin

New Member
Sorry, I didn't open the attachment, Ladypainter IS RIGHT; it looks like garamond to me too, so I'll just get to work :biggrin:


New Member
No...Not Goudy

We use Goudy every day...it is our foundation font...No peak in the top of the A with goudy & the serifs are always rounded...not square.

Garamond As slope like that...some Garamonds have rounded serifs, but some styles have the squared serifs...


New Member
No problem...LOL A lot of what everyone talks about here is over my head, but I know my Goudies....hehheheeeeeeee

Have a great day!

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
For the record, it isn't just Garamond since about a dozen type designs with substantial variations exist on the market. This particular piece is done in Adobe Garamond Bold.

In my example, Adobe Garamond is the top one and Linotype's version is the bottom one. As you can see there are considerable differences between them.

It would be very helpful for font id's if the resolution could be a bit higher, the color black and white, and the orientation on a true horizontal.

Be kind to OP ...... I think he's trying to save up enough money to get back on his meds. :biggrin: :wink: :tongue:


  • NAHUM.jpg
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New Member

I said it was "a" Garamond...there's like...a gazillion of them or something...Some DTC Garamonds and URW, too...

*LP hands OP one of her Prozacs*


New Member
19 million dollar company, and you been workin in the sign trade for how long....and they wont get you a program to view fonts????????? ITS BUNDLED WITH ANY VERSION OF COREL DRAW 8 AND UP!! it called BITSTREAM FONT MANAGER!! come on......and we(the one here that run sign shops full time)do this font searching all the time, everyday!!! so we take time out to make your day less hectic! iam troubled with the fact that you asked for 4 different fonts(AND SIMPLE FONTS that is easily regognized)....and that "we, us, some tried to help have to take time outa their day, so you dont have to do this mundane task!!!! this is my only gripe. so if i seem like i not saying somethin "not nice" that aint it.........WE ALL DO THIS TASK EVERYDAY.......


New Member
You're "Troubled"???

I let the issue die 4 hours ago.....
C'mon now..I'm sure you've got something to paint.
Good Night everyone.



New Member
OP, I have version 9 and haven't had any luck locating the font viewer on my three cd's. Any heads up where to locate it? Also curious for those that use Corel, do you install all the fonts when you install the program? I notice when I go to load the program with all the fonts, it states it will slow my system down. I then do a typical install with the few fonts offered on that install. I know, I should have a font program to manage my fonts, but I haven't quite had much luck with the few I've tried. Not their fault, I just haven't mastered loading and installing/uninstalling fonts, I always screw something up. Thanks.


Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
George ..... it's called Font Navigator, not Font Manager. It's written by Bitstream and works pretty well although on my machine I had to quit using it because it would totally use up my resources and lock up after paging through only a few hundred fonts. I don't have that problem with Typograf.

On my Corel 8 CD it is located in a directory named FontNav. It should be installed, I think, under option selection however using the Corel installer.


New Member
OldPaint said:
do you work in this business????? or do we need to do all your work? now i may be speakin outa turn here but we dont mind "helpin".....when you cant find one font, but this is post #4 .....for us to tell you what font you need for every job is getting......how should i say "OLD HAT"!!!!!
DO YOU HAVE COREL??? if not get it, has tons of fonts. also it has a good FONT VIEWER, learn how to use it. we cant do that for you. have a good day hope i didnt offend.
Its responses like this that will keep me from asking for help here. There are other places on the web where you can ask for help without catching greef.

Just 2 cents from a new user.


New Member
geb said:
OP, I have version 9 and haven't had any luck locating the font viewer on my three cd's.

When I type in my text on Corel 9, I highlight it and go to the drop down menu for fonts. As I use down arrow and scroll through, whatever I have highlighted shows up in the different fonts as I go. Were you talking about fonts not installed? Sorry...confused...


*groan* I just re-read your post. I did install all of mine...I have a pretty big system at home and then a pretty empty one at work (everything is kept on a never-ending server). Maybe you could try it & then take out what you don't like if it slows your puter down? Good luck...