object>path>outline stroke
an importent thing to remember is that illustrator creates a stroke that equally expands inside and outside of the original contour, so that's different then adding just an outline. I'll usually copy the contour first, then I'll make the contour the same fill color and stroke color & then, while still selected, I'll go to the object menu, and choose "path" and select "outline stroke" and then I'll weld ("unite") the TWO new contours, so that I'm only left with the outside contour (the "outline")... then from the clipboard, I'll "paste in front" the original contour. Of course if you set a 10 point stroke, you'll end up with only a 5 point "outline"... but if your working with text 9as we sign guys tend to do).. the original contour is the properly shaped letter form... and just letting illustrators "stroke" spoil that is not good.