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Logo critique and advise please.


New Member
I have a customer who is starting a food truck/trailer, and need input on the logo design. His last name is Eder and its pronounced "eater", I think this might cause confusion but he is set on the name.

Anyways just looking for general critique and two things that are bothering me I would like input on.
The first thing are the Ss in the script, the top logo sorta kinda look like Gs and I'm not sure if its fine and I'm overthinking it? And the other thing is the drop shadow, specifically behind the stars.


  • Meat_Eders.jpg
    1.6 MB · Views: 790


New Member
That lettering style is not very legible, and you need better legibility when you're using an unfamiliar word, like a proper name.

Very Noice

Don't overthink it customers don't care anyway.

I'd 'cut' the legs of M and T to match the shape of the horns but other than that it's perfect.


New Member
I'm not a designer by any stretch, but it looks pretty solid to me. I agree with ewded about the M and T.

It's readable, even Eders. I don't think anyone is going to be confused. Except maybe by the spelled of "eaters", but that's out of your hands.


New Member
I agree with what was said. Solid, clean. Some confusion for me with the EDERS, I have a friend with last name FEDER, so my mind was trying to put that F in front of it. Maybe shorten legs of M and T as was already suggested.

Nemas Signs

New Member
I agree on the drop shadow on the stars, that needs to go. and i would suggest putting some texture on the wood in the background. Would be a nice touch and give it some "space".


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
Couple things: first, Slow Cooked should be hyphenated --> Slow-Cooked

Second, The word EDERS kinda looks like it's trying to belong to the M in MEAT... Same with the S in EDERS and the T... --> try increasing the space between those two pairs of letters by 50% or so, such that the space between the M and the E (DERS) is 50% more than the space between the E and the D (same for S and T).; This seemingly minor adjustment will have a more significant effect that you might first think.


Active Member
What is the population in your town? Unless it's fairly small and the Eders are a well known family, his ego will be his undoing. It is just not recognizable or clever enough of a play on words to really endure.

Did the client not do even some casual research into the failure rate of food related businesses and restaurants?

I generally like what you came up with and empathize with you over the challenge he presented you with.

There are just some words that are so common that they can't easily twisted or manipulated in people's minds just because someone thinks they should be. I look at it and even with my most generous interpretation, I see and internally pronounce it EDers.

One thing that I'd have liked to see you try is to have a single background panel, had the longhorns be more representative of real ones, which are taller and less like handle bars on a bike. Splitting the same type and style of background panel doesn't really help the prioritization or aesthetic of the logo, so why do it?

Then inserting the Smoked and Slow Cooked in the notch created above the center of the horns would have connected the Meat EDers with what they are actually selling a little better. Now they appear as disjointed and separate thoughts.

This business needs all the help it can get making it more obvious what is being sold. Is it a mobile butcher shop? Is it a food truck? Frankly, it's just not clear enough to guarantee that most people will get it.


Old member
I agree with many of the comments above. The play on words simply does not work, and no design effort is going to fix it. I would explain that to the client, and if the client insists on using the name, I would politely refuse to do the job. I can't afford to have people think I had anything to do with it.


Very Active Signmaker
I agree with many of the comments above. The play on words simply does not work, and no design effort is going to fix it. I would explain that to the client, and if the client insists on using the name, I would politely refuse to do the job. I can't afford to have people think I had anything to do with it.

wow.... I'd do it... I'll accept the $$, If I don't like something I just don't add it to my album :)


Premium Subscriber
Ya know...... if this thing is gonna be like any other food truck, no one's gonna give 2¢ wherever it's located what the name is. They'll all give it their own unique nickname like Meat Wagon, Chow Wagon or any other name that comes to mind. I think it's gonna need a big picture and less words.


Active Member
Its a bit presumptuous to start telling clients that their name wont work. Worry about the sign/design that they ask for and let them worry about their name and whatever business startegy they have. If you want to go down that road, youll get a bad reputation much faster than by making crap designs.


Premium Subscriber
I have always been partial to Roach Coach

Yeah, that's the other one I was trying to remember.

We were at a job site many years ago doing signs for a few days and all the people in the place called her by her name and she was just the driver. Here comes Stacey. No idea who owned or what the truck was named.... it was just..... here comes Stacey.


Active Member
Its a bit presumptuous to start telling clients that their name wont work. Worry about the sign/design that they ask for and let them worry about their name and whatever business startegy they have. If you want to go down that road, youll get a bad reputation much faster than by making crap designs.

Presumptuous or not, some of us are in the business to create lasting relationships with our clients and presume most come to us for our expertise, not our simple acquiescence and submission to the first cockimamy idea they latch onto.

I want to see all of our clients succeed and have them feel good enough about the service (which includes honest advice) we provide to refer us to others.

What we don't want is to be perceived as a garbage in, garbage out, whatever you want boss mediocre design churner shop who just nods yes to the goodies whims, holds our noses and creates something ineffective or substandard.

Being connected to something that will probably fail if it doesn't connect or resonate with its customers opens the door to possibly being blamed for that failure. "We'd have made it if only Equipaint had designed a better logo for us"


Old member
There are plenty of shops in my area who will do whatever the customer wants. The service I provide is more comprehensive, and has a greater value. I believe it is the reason I have a deep client list, some going to back to almost 40 years.


Active Member
Presumptuous or not, some of us are in the business to create lasting relationships with our clients and presume most come to us for our expertise, not our simple acquiescence and submission to the first cockimamy idea they latch onto.

I want to see all of our clients succeed and have them feel good enough about the service (which includes honest advice) we provide to refer us to others.

What we don't want is to be perceived as a garbage in, garbage out, whatever you want boss mediocre design churner shop who just nods yes to the goodies whims, holds our noses and creates something ineffective or substandard.

Being connected to something that will probably fail if it doesn't connect or resonate with its customers opens the door to possibly being blamed for that failure. "We'd have made it if only Equipaint had designed a better logo for us"
They did not go to a sign shop looking for a business consultant. Know your role, everyone thinks they are smarter than the next and it just doesn't hold up. When my garbage man comes on Monday morning to empty my dumpster and it's not overflowing, I don't heed his advice that I need to make more sales calls because business is slow. He does not understand what I'm doing anymore than you understand what your client is after.
Your clients don't need you to succeed. They came to you for a logo, sign or whatever, get past your ego. You can do just fine in business with a crap logo, a crap name, a crap website and a crappy sign (I check all of the boxes myself) but for whatever reason too many chest pounders here don't seem to get this.
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Johnny Best

Active Member
Names of business. I had a subscription to Wired years ago and read an article on Yahoo. What a great name so I looked into it and my business partner at the time thought I was stupid to buy their stock as he repeated Yahoo and twirled his finger in the air. Then Google came about. Can you imagine if they came to you and you tell them that is a dumb name and its cockimamy.
And another thing, when you got a big old smoked rib in your mouth and someone asks you where you got that "meateders" is going to sound like meateaters.
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