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Mutoh Bad Print Head?

tandem signs

New Member
I'm having some issues with a print head, but I'm not sure whether its the Magenta or the Light Magenta head. Whichever head it is seems to start printing fine but then drops out. Attached is a sample of what happens.

Is there any way to print from just the Light Magenta OR Magenta head? When I do my test patterns everything is good, no missing lines or anything. I'm pretty confused right now. Also whatever head it is seems to be dropping lots of random ink drops on the prints. I changed the spitune (spl.) pad and also have cleaned the heads themselves and the wipers.

Any help would be great!


  • streaks.jpg
    26.4 KB · Views: 171


New Member
Assuming this print is upside down.
Looks like it could be dampers - in starvation.

You will need a custom profile to use only M or Lm.

Ink dropping on the media, could be due to air leak or bad head.
But is almost always a hair or thread on or around the head.
These should look like little comets, with a tail and are usually on the edges of the media where the head changes direction.