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My head hurts! Font ID please!!!


New Member
For the life of me, I can't seem to find this font on my system! Thought it was Calligrapher, but its not.

Thanks folks!



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New Member
Hmmm, now that I'm looking at it a bit more closely, its still not quite exact, the top of the "t" and "h" is different, although I'm not sure if the original sample should have had it but is deteriorated from being faxed to me.

Guess I'll submit it with Snippet and see if its acceptable as-is, and if someone does recognize this one, I'll change it out before I do the banner for the client.



New Member
Oye! Don't you just hate it when fonts have multiple names? Blue outline is Snippet, red outline is Present.

And on top of that, Kudasai is just a skewed version of one of the above! Whoever put that font together though, they really made the kerning for caps weird! The "M" is justified to the left edge, instead of it dropping below the line, and the "S" is scrunched up, so it looks out of place with the rest of the letters.

Oh well, customer was fine with the layout as-is, and they are now able to use that font for other church/school items, so everyone wins!



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