Adam Hamilton
New Member
I recently purchased a Roland CJ-70. It is obviously very old. I am having issues connecting with it. FlexiSign Pro 19 says it has drivers for it. I have been trying with the 7 day free trial, but to no avail. Had one of their tech guys on it for more than 2 1/2 hrs and he couldn't get it either. This machine will never print but I thought it a good purchase for cutting vinyl. The laptop does not seem to be able to communicate through the usb/ serial adapter, also when I got it the owner was running it out of the parallel port? I have that adapter as well. Tried both the serial and parallel ports again to no avail. My hopes is that someone who has had this issue can help me get this machine cutting. I have tried the Flexi, I am going to try Corel X8, and a couple cutting programs I have downloaded. Is there any advice or quick fixes anyone could point out for me?