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Roland Service Mode


New Member
Does anyone know how to get the service mode unprotected on a SP300 ? I want to print out my history report of the machine.


New Member
Do you hold the enter key while turning the sub-power on? I did that while changing my pump. It should be on the roland site.


New Member
I am not at work at the moment, but if I can remember right you hold left down and right buttons while pressing power button then menu and right buttons - I think that is right anyway


New Member
This is from my Roland Tech....
To access the service mode press the arrows - down - right - left - up (in that order), then press, at the same time, and hold, right - down - left, while pushing the subpower button on the front panel.

There you go! You might even get a free life in the game LOL!


New Member
Tried the suggestions below and the message Service Mode is protected still comes up......there has to be another step in it.
Any more suggestions is appreciated......


New Member
try this


  • service mode.jpg
    service mode.jpg
    74.8 KB · Views: 1,756


New Member
Thanks...I tried hitting all of the arrows based on each line (2&3) then held the three arrows down at the same time as powering up, but no luck...still same message...Service mode Protected


New Member
Service Mode entry

Had an SC500 roland which went like this, maybe this is it.
-first the "S" by pressing: top,left,right,bottom
-then the "V: by pressing: left,bottom,right
-last you hold down: left,bottom,right --->before letting up press pwr button.

The idea is "S" for Ser and "V" for vice - in other words Ser vice.

I know this is the new service mode entry when using the current firm ware
for my SC-500 roland.

Hope this works out.


New Member
Thanks.....I'll give it a try with pushing menu button after the arrow...if that doesn't work we'll try the last suggestion. I'll post which works.


New Member
Let us know if you got any free lives on it.......up, down, right, left, up, X, O, Start, R, L....


New Member
Hey Sideline,

PROCEDURE TO GET INTO A LOCKED "SERVICE MODE" OF ROLAND SP300. It doesnt unlock the Service Mode permanently - it just let's you GET IN TO IT.:)

1) Remove media (paper) from the printer.

2) press: down - right - left - up - right - down - left - down - left, then press: left+down+right at the same time - keep holding them and press SUB SW ON. After it switches on keep holding left+down+right and release SUB SW ON button. After couple of seconds release left+down+right buttons. Then just press MENU button - and you will see SERVICE MENU.

If you dont succeed at the first try - SWITCH OFF MACHINE COMPLETELY(!!!), turn MAIN SW ON again and repeat the procedure.

You have to input first combination quite fast to succeed.

Good luck!
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New Member
Thanks Arturas....I'll give that a try....maybe that might be the main issue of not turning off the main supply first, then turning it on. i'll try it later this evening.....


New Member
The main issue is button pressing timing.
Also (just in case) - note that printer's MAIN SW has to be ON, and SUB SW has to be OFF, before you carry out the procedure.

This combination WORKS 100% with firmware version 6.7 (one of the newest). Other firmware versions might have different combinations. (You can find firware 6.7 on the web if you give it a shot.)

I am sure you will succeed.



New Member
It worked...your right, it has to be done quickly. It helped to reboot the machine also.
Thanks again for your reply and also everyone elses.