It's not the best, the top "header" (yeah, i'll use that for lack of a better word for that in flash) is just a red to black fade with the logo slapped on top. While I do appreciate the basic color elements being used elsewhere ... no where else is that web 1.5 fade. I would get rid of the subtle red circular glow in the background and would try make a site that is seo compliant for searching. Most band sites (sadly) still use myspace or (hopefully) use a cms on their own hosted site. I really don't care if it's flash, hard to avoid atleast using flash elements ... but I would probably make the music preview part a pop out element, follow it up with a cms like joomla or drupal with an ecommerce and go from there ... What I just described is a free option ... just a time requirement ... if EVERYONE in the band makes a 10-35 minute commitment once a week to look at and edit the site ... you're designing of a decent cms that ANYONE can edit would be better than them throwing it at you and saying "yeah, do this for us ... that would be awesome." A website is a lot like a (good) woman, it takes time, money and/or effort. just throwing something up and letting it sit is a lot like taking a girl through the drive through at mc evils and ordering from the dollar menu on the first date ... if that works ... you probably don't want the girl.