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Summa Cut D140R Please Help!


New Member
Can some one please help me why this happens. The letters doesn’t cut the right way. I changed the knife and knifeholder but the problem is still there. Why??? What’s wrong? Please see the photo and help me...


  • 1E5B0482-F401-4DAE-AA7E-02ADC74F71FB.jpeg
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  • EBECB848-6BB3-4102-804D-A1FD9F38A94C.jpeg
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New Member
Would say that this is an issue with the knife landing. But haven't found the option to calibrate it in the manual (have no SummaCUT available to check it). The menu item was COIL SETUP (setting knife landing to 0 and increase the value step by step unless it hits the cutting strip ... then add 4 and everything should be ok).


New Member
View attachment 138622 Can some one please help me why this happens. The letters doesn’t cut the right way. I changed the knife and knifeholder but the problem is still there. Why??? What’s wrong? Please see the photo and help me...

Hi. What program are you using to plot with?
And what are the configuration values for your knife set-up (pressure, speed, knife angle etc.)
Is this a sudden change, or...?

Best regards


New Member
Would say that this is an issue with the knife landing. But haven't found the option to calibrate it in the manual (have no SummaCUT available to check it). The menu item was COIL SETUP (setting knife landing to 0 and increase the value step by step unless it hits the cutting strip ... then add 4 and everything should be ok).
Thank you FrankW,
I tried to change the COIL SETUP and it help for some cuts then the problem appeared again.
Could the COIL be worn or broken?


New Member
Could it be that the knife holder isn‘t correctly fitted? So that it moves up when it is in use?

I do Summa repairs for more than 20 years, never had a worn coil. What had happened sometimes that the fitting of the cutting head is broken, perhaps a little bit only, so that it moves during cutting. I would check the knife holder fitting for damages.