I have done some checking of certain processes and have come to the conclusion that the printer has a problem carrying out orders when it comes to receiving data and processing it.
The processes I have attempted are as follows: Naturally by performing a printing job, uploading and downloading parameters to and from the computer via USB, and upgrading the firmware using a tool program on the computer via USB.
Two of these attempts cannot be completed, since the machine stops and does not move on from there(no error message displayed).
The uploading and downloading process is an exception. Various parameters can be altered on the machine, then uploaded to the computer to be reviewed and edited if necessary. The problem arises when downloading the parameters(or any parameters actually) back to the machine. It will complete the "UP&DOWNLOAD" process on the printer and appear to have been successful, until the printer is restarted, as indicated, and the parameters are checked. The parameters then seem to be set to their default values. Not the previous values that was changed on the printer or changed on the computer, but other values the printer had originally.
In both other cases when it comes to printing a job and upgrading the machine's firmware, the printer receives the data, begins the process and then stops when it comes time to use that information and data received. Afterwards, it will indicate that data has been received, and displays "DATA REMAIN" after it stops, and then requiring the data to be cleared. Something is causing a struggle between a certain point of sending orders to the machine and executing those orders. If you have any idea what could be causing this, it would be much appreciated.