I usually output my Corel designs to low-res jpgs and post on my website for the customer to review. I copied a jpg the other day to my web server, but just got the dreaded "red X" when I tried to view it. So I checked all the web file and user permissions, etc. but still couldn' t see just that one image. The jpg would open fine in Photoshop, Paint, Windows Viewer, etc.; everywhere except through my website. So, I tried opening up the jpg straight into IE, without going through the web server. Still no luck, but now I knew it wasn't my web server permissions.
Going back into Corel, I rechecked the settings I used for exporting the jpg. I starting changing settings just to see what happened. Well, when I changed the color mode from CMYK to RGB, I could now open the jpg with IE, and it works fine from the web server.
Not sure if anyone has ever had this problem, or if it's even repeatable on your computer, but just wanted to get this out there in case it can help someone.
Going back into Corel, I rechecked the settings I used for exporting the jpg. I starting changing settings just to see what happened. Well, when I changed the color mode from CMYK to RGB, I could now open the jpg with IE, and it works fine from the web server.
Not sure if anyone has ever had this problem, or if it's even repeatable on your computer, but just wanted to get this out there in case it can help someone.