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Any pranksters here among us?


New Member
A couple of years ago there was a prankster thread so I thought we could revisit and see what kind of creative talent we have here among the many new members that have joined this site since then. This particular prank was one of my all time best I did nearly twenty years ago and thought I'd share it again for those who might have missed it. Lets hear some of your best pranks you have played on your friends, loved ones, and enemies!

When I first moved to Florida back in 92, I was skydiving a lot. An old friend from New York who I use to jump with called to say he was coming to Florida over his Christmas vacation while visiting his dad who lived in Orlando, and wanted to make a few jumps with me while he was here.

When he got into town I met him out at the drop zone along with his cousin Joe who was tagging along. My friend Perry and I made two jumps at the end of the day and before they headed back to Orlando, I invited them back over to my place for pizza and a few beers. Then after a couple of beers, his cousin Joe pipes up; skydiving doesn't look all that hard to do? I said oh really, why don't you make a tandem jump while you're down here? You're in the perfect place to make your first skydive.

He had a few beers and I knew that's what was doing all of the talking. They left and planned on coming back the following day so Perry could get a few more jumps in. So the following day they show back up on the drop zone and Joe has a sh!t eating grin on his face and tells me that he signed up for a tandem jump. I said that's great! I’ll be sure to get on the same plane load and follow you out in meet up with you in free fall.

While he was getting his ground instructions from his tandem instructor, I walked over at the very end as Graham the instructor, a good friend of mine, was telling Joe to meet him in the classroom when manifest gave the thirty minute call for load twelve, so he could get "geared up".

As Joe and I were walking away he asked me what type gear he would need. So in a serious straight face I said...You'll need to be fitted for a jumpsuit, helmet, condom, gloves and goggles. He hesitated for a brief minute and then asked in a dead serious tone, what is the condom was for? I told him that Pheonix-Zhills, the name of the drop zone, was the first drop zone in the country to institute a "safe" skydiving policy. At that time all you heard on the news was the risk of getting aids. This was around 1992 right after the first outbreaks.

I explained to him that while not all of the time, on rare occasions, some jumps can be so intense that you might accidentally have an orgasm in free fall. The condom was to protect the tandem master from any potential accidental spillage. He said oh, I never would have realized that with a smile on his face.

Hook, sinker and line.....

I ran into the gear store and bought a gag condom off of the counter. I think it was the Magnum super sensitive ultra ribbed giggler model. I then went to see Graham his instructor and explained that Joe was aware he was required to wear a condom on his first tandem jump. Graham just looked at me and shook his head in disbelief. About ten minutes later the call came out and in comes Joe through the classroom door.

Graham walked over to the wall of hanging jumpsuits and sized up Joe. He then reached down into his box of goodies and handed Joe the condom. With a confused look on his face, Joe asked where he would put it on. We instructed him to go to the bathroom and when he got back we would finish putting the rest of his gear on.

At this point I did a 180 turn out the door. I know sooner made it out thirty feet and I dropped to the ground in tears laughing so hard I couldn’t get my breath back. No sooner was I on the ground when a bunch of my skydiving buddies come running over to see if I was okay. After I told them what was going on, all three hundred skydivers on the DZ that day knew about the guy who was getting ready to skydive wearing a condom.

We got the call to board the plane and I have never seen anyone so terrified in my life, he was white as a ghost. In the plane on the ride to altitude he had this intense look of fear and dread. His knuckles where white and I could tell he was having difficulty breathing. Finally on jump run at 13,000 feet we made our way to the door. He had to be pushed out. I gave them a few seconds head start and then proceeded to dive down to them at 200 mph. I came face to face with Joe not more than a foot from his face. His eyes were bulging out and I knew he was in a state of shock. I was sticking my tongue and making stupid faces at him the entire time and he looked as though he couldn't even see me.

I turned and tracked away from them right before opening. I spiraled down under canopy to the ground as fast as I could. It turned out he hyperventilated and passed out under canopy. The landing for them was a butt slider. He was laying on the ground still in shock when fifty or sixty skydivers came running over to him. When he opened his eyes, another skydiving friend of mine who was a Brit yelled out to Joe, well did you cum? His simply mumbled, I’m not sure!

That day Joe left the drop zone never realizing that he was the butt of my joke. Fifteen years later I still run into old skydivers who were there that day and remember Joe Geronimo!


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
Was at my sisters house, her garage door has these windows and my 2 sisters were in the garage looking at something...

I started slowly shaking the door like the start of an earthquake, then gradually made the thing thunder like the house was going to come down... they ran in the house screaming. By the time i got in the home laughing me arse off, my one sister was hyperventilating, the other was crying....

My parents, brother, both brother in laws, and the wife yelled at me, I don't get to do that anymore...


New Member
I like pulling pranks. Worked at a company several years ago (ok 15...), and the guys in the shop would pull pranks on each other. Dumb stuff like glueing lockers shut, taping tool boxes to the beams in the workshop. Once a guy took the fork lift and lifted a guys car up, and they put watermellon rinds under the tires. When the guy got off, he had to jack the car up to get them out before he could move.

Last year, my wife mentioned that she liked fireballs (the candy), so I get her 5 lbs... she was not amused. This year, she mentioned that she loves caramel creams...so I got her 10 lbs. (She is gonna kill me!) But its good because the kids like them too...

Last year, she pointed out one of the hair dryer stands that gives you a free hand to dry your hair...So I took a scrap piece of pvc, and ran a short piece of pvc out and using some 90*, duct tape, and bungee straps, and an old hair dryer. She laughed so hard she cried... Greatest gift I could have given her....


Premium Subscriber
This isn't mine, but when my father was alive, he worked what they called shift-work for the local electric company here. Back in the 60's, no one at all was worried about gas guzzlers or anything else when they bought their big cars and this one guy bought an Oldsmobile that by today's standards would be considered an aircraft carrier... it was so frickin' big. Probably got like six miles to the gallon with a 35 gallon tank.

Anyway, the 3 to 11 shift was a bunch of pranksters and when this guy parked his car.... someone would go down and put an extra few gallon or so of gas in his car every night. He would brag about how his car would handle and the nifty conveniences and gadgets on it [for the day that is], but most of all what great gas mileage this thing was getting. The guys would say.... ah, you'll lie about anything. No one gets that kinda mileage. This went on for a few weeks. Suddenly he stopped bragging about his gas mileage. Hey Gordy.... how's your car doin' ?? Ah, alright.... mutter, mutter, mutter. Next night... Hey Gordy.... how's that car doin' ?? Ah, shut up. Well, no one ever told him they had been adding gas, but later, no one told him they were siphoning it out now, either. This went on for another week or so and then they just let it alone. That was in the 60's and til this day, I don't know if anyone ever really told Gordy whatever happened.

I always loved that story. :Oops:​


New Member
My mother-in-law is a sturdy, midwestern, family matriarch. Nothing makes her happier than clucking around like a old farm hen making sure everything ...and, everyone is right with the world. She's a bit of an annoying Saint.[/i]

...and, she takes great pride in her cooking of hearty farm grub.

Her potato salad?... well, it's good. The grandkids request it for every holiday. She makes vats of it --- for the kids to take back to college, for wedding and funeral receptions, mortar for block fences --- The stuff is always in the 'fridge. In moderation, it's good. But it can be a heavy sinker in excess.

A couple years ago at a holiday gathering, she rounded the table ladling on shovelfuls of this stuff on everyone's plates. It's her M.O. clucking over the family event. I knew want to expect.

Earlier in the day, I had grabbed some dry elbow macaroni from her pantry and hid it for this moment. I snuck three or four of the elbows into my mouth.

"mmmmmm, the potato salad is good," I said, drawing attention to myself.

I took another bite, as the mother-in-law replied, "Do ya like it?"

"CRACK," as I bit into one of the elbows of macaroni in my mouth.

Her eyes bulged as she looked at me. She was embarrassed that there might be something wrong with her potato salad. Of course, I played along, exaggerating my chewing and bulging my own eyes as I cracked the rest of the macaroni.

The table fell silent. Everyone started forking through the food on their plate looking for... well, just looking something on the plate that would make a noise like that.

"Mmffust be a bone..." I muttered

"THERE'S NO BONES IN POTATOES!" she replied... and the family burst in to laughter.

I love that trick. It causes such an immediate and horrific reaction at any dinner table.

round man

New Member
Me and a buddy were working on this construction site and this new guy who had just got out of tech school and gotten his license to be an electrician in our state was there trying to convince my buddy how competent he was and how going to school should assure my buddy that he was up to the task at hand,..well my buddy went over to a breaker box and called the newbie over and took out drill with a keyhole saw and measured out a half dozen hole centers on the box and then proceeded to show the newbie how to use the drill and cut a hole needed for the large industrial conduit that was to be attached to the breaker box,..well the indignant newbie made it real clear how he should have no problem completing the task in no time at all so my buddy flips the drill on reverse and hands it to him telling him to make the task short and sweet we were on a time table,..well the guy starts to cut the hole and the drill being on reverse takes forever to even scratch the metal junction box and in no way was it going to cut a hole fast being in reverse,....so my buddy storms up and grabs the drill and tells the young fellow that he doesn't have all day flips the drill switch on forward and cuts a hole in nothing flat,then switches the drill to reverse and hands it back to the young fellow and says get busy,....well same old story the young fellow tries and tries but to no avail the drill just won't cut thru the metal casing set on reverse,so it takes him about five minutes to grind a circular groove in the metal and nothing productive happens ,..well my buddy goes thru the same routine a couple more times before he finally asked the red faced young fellow if they taught him at his school to check the direction of the drill before he used it,. he hit the switch and set it on forward and finished up very promptly but I will never forget the look of bewilderment on his face watching my buddy zip through a process he could not seem to complete no matter how hard he pushed on the drill,...


New Member
I really like that on RM! Gonna try it on my new guy tomorrow. I've come close to firing him a dozen times in the past six weeks he's been working for me....

showcase 66

New Member
I had a boss of mine that would always fall asleep when we would drive anywhere that took longer than 10 mins. Three of us were on our way to Bullhead in one of the Cargo Vans. My buddy is driving and the boss is in the passengers seat. Like clockwork, the boss falls asleep. Talking with my buddy, we decided to play a trick on him. We had a steering wheel in the back so I bolted it to a piece of 2x4 and opened the glove box and wedged it in. We pulled over into a look out over the lake and pulled up as close to the edge. Both of us then started screaming WAKE UP!!!! STEVE WAKE UP!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!

He awoke and grabbed the steering wheel screaming and slamming his feet on the floorboard looking for peddles. After about 5 seconds we were busting up laughing. I so wished I had a video camera then.


New Member
Do Drugs, Get what you Deserve.

I worked in a High End Pizza Parlor as a teenager.

Roaring 20’s. Wurlitzer organ, etc. etc..

Anyways, they hired this burn out burr head to bus tables between the shows.

After a week or so of always asking stupid questions I was getting a bit agitated always being polite to him and when he was standing around doing nothing one night, I called out to him;
“Hey Terry, the drinking fountain between the bathrooms is low on water. Go fill it back up !”

Puzzled he asked, “How do I do That?”

With a disgusted look on my face I grabbed a 5 gallon bucket and filled it with water in the large commercial sink and carried it out to the drinking fountain and preceded to pour the water down its drain.
Then I looked at him while handing him the pail and told him to just keep doing what I showed him until the water stops going down the drain. That’s how you know it is full.

35 minutes later he was still hauling water from the kitchen and dumping it down the drain trying to get it full. We told him don’t worry about it, you can do it later. Right now we need you to go clear the tables.

Kids, don’t do drugs….




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John L

New Member
These are all very funny!! Great thread. I actually have a lot of these but one that I particularly like...

About 10 years ago we were building a new restaraunt. I have the place about 80% done. Two bathrooms, back to back and I have one toilet set in place in one of the bathrooms and this is being used as the jobsite restroom. The other has an open drain.

My right hand helper had worked for me over 10 years at the time and was habitual about his long bathroom breaks. I would always tease him about this in front of the others.

Anyway, one work day I'm there and, like clockwork, we see him across the room enter with his usual reading material and knew he was in for a while. So I grab a towel, big blow gun, and the hose from our air compressor and seal the assembly to the open drain in the adjacent, empty bathroom.

I pull the trigger on the blow gun and I swear you could hear the sound coming from the other bathroom for miles around. He still works here and I have never seen him use the rest room if I am on the same job ever since.


New Member
John I'm still busting a gut laughing! Nearly pissed myself picturing what hit him on his end of the toilet! You have to love it when an opportunity like that comes up...


New Member
Well, we did do the contact cement on the boots to the floor trick..
also the belt sander is locked into the "on" position (and someone plugs it in)
and the old "skyhook on the newbie"..I didn't fall for that one...
BUT..I did get suckered into the " see if Joe is sleeping..and we will call in this fun girl and wake him up just as he (me) realizes(or thinks) there was sex happening for a moment..and a phone call to the wife...not really all that funny..at the time.
Like a lot of things not so funny at the time..but a great hoot thinking about it later..

John L

New Member

Ken mentioned contact cement. We use this stuff here called Premier Contact Cement by http://www.northstarchemicals.com/.

Every prankster should have a canister of this at his or her disposal. Spray gun stays attached to what looks like a barbecue tank full of pressurized glue. Ready for contact in a few seconds and you just cannot seperate the bond on most substrates.

If law enforcement had this the bad guy would never get away.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
A great prank was pulled at the University of Maryland in 1960.

In the entrance foyer of the campus armory there was a Nike missile sitting on a launcher and pointing straight out the front door. One morning, when the armory was opened, the missile was gone and only a handwritten note was left behind on the launching pad. It read: "Goodbye Earth People".

The missile was found in short order embedded, nose first, in the roof of the three story administration building which was a straight shot across the mall from the launching pad.

No one ever took credit for the prank. It was rumored that it had been carried out by upper class men in the College of Engineering.


New Member
When cars first came out with child proof read door locks
a couple of us went out drinking going from bar to bar
this one friend when he got in the back of the car we would flip the latch
and when we would get to the next bar we would all get out and walk away
and he would start yelling I can't get out. So someone would go and let him out.
The next time someone else would get in the back seat and flip the latch and could get out we kept asking him what his problem was. he never did figure it out that night!

Another good one was one guy liked to grease your door handles so when you went to open door you got a hand full of grease. So one day I put a little dab on his handle and he said good one you almost got me. He then wiped it all of got into his car and started it grabbed onto the steering wheel which I grease the back side of. Should have seen the look on his face!


New Member
I had a boss of mine that would always fall asleep when we would drive anywhere that took longer than 10 mins. Three of us were on our way to Bullhead in one of the Cargo Vans. My buddy is driving and the boss is in the passengers seat. Like clockwork, the boss falls asleep. Talking with my buddy, we decided to play a trick on him. We had a steering wheel in the back so I bolted it to a piece of 2x4 and opened the glove box and wedged it in. We pulled over into a look out over the lake and pulled up as close to the edge. Both of us then started screaming WAKE UP!!!! STEVE WAKE UP!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!

He awoke and grabbed the steering wheel screaming and slamming his feet on the floorboard looking for peddles. After about 5 seconds we were busting up laughing. I so wished I had a video camera then.

My Brother's working really late and 2 blocks from his house at a red light but fairly well traveled road. It's like 4:30 am. I'll close my eyes for just 30 seconds. He wakes up to DAYLIGHT, honking and cars going around him, foot on the brake. It' now 6 somethin.


New Member
Do Drugs, Get what you Deserve.

I worked in a High End Pizza Parlor as a teenager.

Roaring 20’s. Wurlitzer organ, etc. etc..

Anyways, they hired this burn out burr head to bus tables between the shows.

After a week or so of always asking stupid questions I was getting a bit agitated always being polite to him and when he was standing around doing nothing one night, I called out to him;
“Hey Terry, the drinking fountain between the bathrooms is low on water. Go fill it back up !”

Puzzled he asked, “How do I do That?”

With a disgusted look on my face I grabbed a 5 gallon bucket and filled it with water in the large commercial sink and carried it out to the drinking fountain and preceded to pour the water down its drain.
Then I looked at him while handing him the pail and told him to just keep doing what I showed him until the water stops going down the drain. That’s how you know it is full.

35 minutes later he was still hauling water from the kitchen and dumping it down the drain trying to get it full. We told him don’t worry about it, you can do it later. Right now we need you to go clear the tables.

Kids, don’t do drugs….



20 years ago. guy walks into auto parts store buys a case of oil. comes back in 20 mins later buys another case. again 20 minutes later he's back for another. Counterman says what are you doing with all this oil? Customer says I'm putting it in my car out in the lot but it's still not full yet.


New Member
Back in the late 70's a friend & I were going to Mt. Morris Pa to moto cross for the weekend. The Pros were racing on Sunday and we raced on Saturday before them. He had an old International Scout that didn't have the gas door, just the gas cap on the out side.

Everytime we would go up hill the engine would miss terrible. Going down hill,everything was fine. Once we got off the Interstate and on to the country roads, it would barely make it up the hills. Got to one hill that was too long/steep and the Scout just quit.

I suspected fuel starvation so I crawled under the thing to check. Sure enough someone had fixed the gas line where it crossed over the frame. The body had settled down some and had rubbed a hole in the line. I told my buddy to remove the cap and blow on the opening so I would be sure this was the problem. The gas dripped out, across the frame and onto my brand new Suzuki riding shirt leaving a big black stain.

I was able to shorten the hose enough to repair the leak and when I crawled out from under the Scout and looked at my buddy, he had dark black circle around his mouth from blowing on the opening. [pay back]

Now we get to the Moto Cross Track and there were some good looking girls collecting the money. One came up to the us to collect and was smiling so hard she could barely keep from laughing. We give her some money and my buddy says " Hey I think she really digs me. Look at her talking to the girls and pointing at me". I say, " You know John, I think you're right. You might find yourself lucky this weekend. I would tell her your name and the number on your bike so she can watch you race"

He does this and the whole doesn't have a clue about his black circle mouth. While we're driving to our camping spot, I tell him he has something on his face and might want to wipe it off. When he looked in the mirror, he freaked out.

For the rest of the weekend, he avoided those girls like the plague. He now lives in the DC area. Everytime we talk, I remind him of the good old days.
