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Question Are you a bitter, cranky old sign guy?

Are you a bitter, cranky old sign guy?

  • YES, I spew vitriol and pi$$ excellence, pleb.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • NO, I like puppies and flowers.

    Votes: 7 30.4%

  • Total voters


I sell signage and signage accessories.
The majority of sign guys I've met over the years are bitter, old and cranky. I'm bitter and cranky, still workin' on the old. I don't know what causes it but it sure is hilarious.

How's bout it?


Trump 2020
They're probably bitter because they used to make $100/hour for their God give talents, now they're not.


Dammit, make it faster!!

Johnny Best

Active Member
That person is a curmudgeon, you missed it, it was on Monday when we have our day. It was a post titled Takethedayoff.
And you thinking we are hilarious must make you a dimwit or a fool.

d fleming

New Member
All. Damn. Three. But I'll be making rum soon so I will either be less cranky or it will seriously intensify. :)


New Member
As a younger guys here it's probably the years and years of people sending raster logos from some sales guys e-mail signature and wanting signs, vehicle, wall etc... graphics made. Followed by this conversation:
"Do you have this in a better quality or vector? Nope that 's all I have, so can I get it tomorrow?"


Premium Subscriber
Haa, us old grouchy codgers never heard of rasters or vectors until the late 80's.... and even then, it didn't matter to most of us. We could take a crappy old picture and duplicate by hand. And we could have it done, yet by the end of the day, if they were willing to pay. E-mail, what the flyin' f*ck is an e-mail ??

Pass me some more :bushmill:

Ya young whippersnappers :tongue:


Premium Subscriber
I chalk it up to the longer you're in this business, the more you get tired of everyone else not doing what they say when they promise. Then, you end up having to jump through hoops to make things work.

I try and keep a positive attitude and realize I'm getting paid well to problem solve. Installing the graphics is the easy part.


New Member
People get old fast these days. 40 is the new 50. Smoking, soft drinks, drugs, crappy diet, will certainly keep you cranky.