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Logo Refinement


Old Member
I would appreciate if I could get a couple of opinions on how this logo could be refined into a usable piece. Thanks!


  • Patriot Landscaping & Construction - Logo.jpg
    Patriot Landscaping & Construction - Logo.jpg
    664.3 KB · Views: 122


Old Member
It's actually supposed to imply that it is gold not yellow. In an actual production piece it might be some type of gold. I'd have to tweak the color for print apparently. I realize there is no green, leaves, trees, etc. in this logo, maybe that's subconsciously what you find is missing.


New Member
Better yellow?

Me too, yellow needs help. Here is a possibility...


  • change yellow.jpg
    change yellow.jpg
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Old Member
That's a good choice Suz! I don't have a good standard color that I use for gold, I'm never really happy and find myself swinging between yellow and orange tones all the time. If you use something like PMS 872, which is an actual PMS reference for metallic gold, it never looks good in print. A PMS 1235 or 7510 should be good but again, sometimes I think it's too orange and I over compensate with too much yellow. Do you think there is anything better that could be done with the layout?


New Member
Actually gold is not a color - it's rather function - of light, sheen, reflection - if you print "gold" it's not going to look like gold - it will be just flat color of some yellowish hue - from the other hand if you do gold, you'll have to decide if you want to incorporate 3d look w flat lettering. 2 cents of something or another...



  • patriot.jpg
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I don't know if you're looking for something completely different but you could try a mascot like this. This is just some modified clip art but you get the idea.


  • Patriot.jpg
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Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Well to begin with lets say you like the layout of this design, not bad in real it does balance fine.

The 1st problem I see is you have a graphic & a fancy font together..why it is confusing.

2nd ..yellow or gold unless real gold is not landscaping .. besides colors are the last thing to deal with.

3rd your 1 star & 3 stripe is Puerto Rico add 2 stars or more.

4th your sub copy is to bold which is ok except it competes with the graphic & fancy font.

These reasons are why drawing 1st by hand to see problems & then to black & white before color & closer finish is a better way to go.

You have a good start indeed even like the fonts but it needs some refining to pull it off, surely others can see how a bit more, to me I would use green as a base for landscaping as for color.


New Member

Okay, "gold" is like black or white I guess, not really a color. I like your metallic looking gold thing! I was thinking the same when I was playing some more, thought it needed a metallic gold look, and a laurel wreath maybe, to frame the star. Patriot means someone with strong support for their country, and the Greeks used wreaths in design for Victory and Strength. Okay, did I convince anyone (?) Anyhow, I like to play and had a little time.

I tried to change the original logo as little as possible. Is it still ugly? Not sure, looked at it for too long. LOL!

Gary, I should really make my thought more clear, so I'm editing! The "ugly" comment is about the yellow, and adding greens in with the red white and blue and the yellow too! LOL... Gonna get myself in some trouble! What you have is a deluxe pizza problem. :) Everybody threw in different toppings/colors!! Geesh! Anynow, my colors look really garish here, not what I was going for when I was playing in photoshop.

Anyhow, I guess I'm going for an Old World look, kinda Victorian or vintage. I think then you are able to get away with adding those greens and leaf things to symbolize landscape.

This image inspired me for color:

Just ideas, you can throw them out. Don't know why my colors look so funny when I posted the .jpg

Edit: Added second pic, .gif file. Colors are much more like they are supposed to be. Okay, .gif works better. You get the picture!


  • patriot new colors 2.jpg
    patriot new colors 2.jpg
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  • Patriot-Landscaping.gif
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Old Member
Thanks for the comments, I know that gold is throwing everybody but I do like the look of the simulated gold leaf, I was just trying to refrain from effects and stick with a spot color. I don't really see how I can add any green in there without looking like a circus.

I did think about the one star being more representative of Puerto Rico more than anything else but the idea was to have a unique Americana type graphic rather than a flag looking graphic. I've attached a copy with more than one star but then it's looking flag like.

Suz, that is an interesting idea with the wreath, I'll have to think about that for a bit. Thanks for clarifying your "ugly'' comment, I was ready to go get some tissues to dry my eyes....


  • Patriot Landscaping & Construction -  Logo v5.jpg
    Patriot Landscaping & Construction - Logo v5.jpg
    793.7 KB · Views: 106


Old Member
I don't know if you're looking for something completely different but you could try a mascot like this. This is just some modified clip art but you get the idea.
We originally tried a whole series of mascot ideas but the customer didn't like that style. I think your's is a good looking sample though.


Font Sage
Your (P) looks outta wack maybe shorten the Stem a little
Instead of a black outline try a navy blue with a panel in the back
maybe a leaf instead of the star


  • 1aaas.jpg
    47.8 KB · Views: 122


New Member
Your (P) looks outta wack maybe shorten the Stem a little
Instead of a black outline try a navy blue with a panel in the back
maybe a leaf instead of the star

I like but leaf = Canada and this is all American. Am I right? Just a thought!


New Member

Sorry you had to resort to Kleenex, tee hee! I like your new design mucho better!!! It's a lot easier on the eyes. I mean it's not ugly, I mean....good!
I like Tiki's design too though. Yeah, lose the green, it was too much!


Old Member
Thank you Tiki, I think that panel pulls it all together much better. There was something unsettling about that text just floating below.


Active Member
that font has got to go. the gold has got to go. this logo does nothing but cause confusion as to whats its for and it doesnt match what its for. Too much goin on


New Member
Tiki's idea of shortening the P is what I was going to say (besides the clashing light yellow color)
His panel and outline brought everything together.
However, I also feel that the choice of font is too "girly/candyshop/busy" and not masculine enough for a bold name like patriot.
Have you considered trying Old Glory? It's a script but it might be just the ticket.