Well, why should this Friday be any different than most others ??
It's one thing to know the laws and obey them and it's another thing to know the laws and disobey them. Yet there are those who come here looking for answers and still the boneheads that cite the same garbage are still doing it with some newly added believers.
To perform almost any business outside, you need a permit, be it window dressing to electrical pylons to small hanging signs to welding a sign together in the air or changing out some neon at the mall. The permits are for various reasons.
- To be sure you can do the work and do it properly, safely and according to code.
- To be sure your work does not violate anyone else's rights on the same street or district.
- To be sure you have adequate insurance.
- To be sure if no one has proper insurance and a sign falls on someone, the municipality will not be sued by sue happy people.
- To be sure, you are not taking advantage of some end-user.
- To be sure, you are who/what you say you are.
So, someone who was lowballing all the other contractors was painting a front door without a permit [with or without
proper insurance]. He/she stepped back to admire their work, kicked a can of paint over, it rolled down the steps out into the street and a car swerved to avoid hitting it, but took out a mother and her baby in a carriage...... who's to blame ?? Who knows ?? Well, it doesn't matter who is to blame, but if you had a permit to paint that door, you wouldn't be blamed in the lawsuit. You'll still be named, but you had permission to be there by the city. If the renters of that apartment had no insurance or the owner of the building, it will eventually fall back on the city and guess what..... all this sh!t adds up to higher taxes to cover all the hacks operating in town without frickin' permits.
Now, that's a very simplified example, but this stuff happens.
It's one thing to do this stuff without permits, but to go around telling people no one in your town does it cause it costs too much or ain't worth the hassle so go ahead and do it... is just downright irresponsible. Don't be giving bad advice to people to knowingly break laws and codes which they are questioning. They need the truth. Not some stupid reason you or your neighbors don't. Keep your dumb secrets to yourself and explain that perhaps you might get away with breaking the law, but it could come back to bite you. Some people are lucky and as noted in this thread..... some not so lucky.