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Why can't I ever find the right font?


New Member
I hate to bother everyone so early, but does anyone know this one? Thanks. Whatthefont can't find it and neither can I.



  • RAESS small.jpg
    RAESS small.jpg
    27.4 KB · Views: 200


New Member
So I guess it wasn't just me. This looks like a job fooorrrrr .......................(enter the deap voice over)...........................THE VECTOR DOCTOR.:Cool 2:


New Member

no offense to anyone that vectorizes for a living but....all compitent sign makers should be able to do this themself.
If it's vectorizing in Flexi or taking an extra 10 minutes to hand cut
a xerox copy on top of a piece of black vinyl and then scanning.
C'mon people!


New Member
Shovelhead, Thank you once again kicking me in the can today. I got so overwhelmed with this guys logo. What I mean is there is a lot of scroll and hand painted fonts that the first thing that came to mind was let someone else do it. I recognized the other fonts and have redrawn the painted sections but I just spaced on this one. Ya know sometimes I am such a dipS**t. Thanks!

SignMan Sez

New Member

Looks like it was designed by one of those "Signmen of Yesteryear", ya know the kind that actually could hand-letter with paint or ink. Looks like it is a combination of brush-style letters with the "ss" a serif font.

I agree with Shovelhead.....just copy & scan.


New Member
This is only a part of the logo. It is a trucking Co if that tells you what I am dealing with (scroll & hand painted letters bleeding over vinyl cut letters). I just have this part done Thanks to Shovelhead's kick in the kiester. I always forget about all of the resources at my disposal. I am one of those "tunnel visioned" folks. I do think out of the box on occasion, just not today. Thanks man!


New Member
Reminds me of some lyrics from a Greg Brown song: "Time ain't money when all ya got is time".


New Member
You can hand trace in Corel in no time. Put an contour around and it's done. There are many ways tracing can be done. Even in CorelTrace this is an easy task.


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