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Windows Issue?

Mike Paul

Premium Subscriber
I'm running Windows ME on the home computer and just loaded software for a Logitech Quickcam. (Windows ME compatible) Something is causing a reoccurring problem that reads:

Can not run unicode version of ATL 71.DLL on Windows 95, 98, ME. Please install the ANSI version. It shows this every 3-5 seconds and then locks up the operating system to the point where you have to cut the power to reboot.

I removed the Quickcam software and downloaded all the current Windows ME operating system updates. I then downloaded the latest Logitech software from their website, reinstalled it and have the same problem.

Norton's Internet Securities doesn't work when the Logitech software is installed and is limited after The Logitech software is removed.

Any suggestions?


New Member
take 2 asprin

...after that I'm not sure, but that is the first step when crap like that happens around here :tongue:

..then maybe reboot in safe mode, that could be a more stable environment to make your updates etc.


New Member
I know this is not an answer that you're looking for, but honestly, the first thing you should do it get rid of Windows ME. It's largest piece of crap ever released by Microsoft. I'm a huge Microsoft fan, but they blew it on this one, which is why it had a very short lifespan.

Upgrade to XP and be done with it.


New Member
The ansi version...

Try this... here is a link to a zip file of the ANSI version. It’s a DLL just find the dll with the same name and replace it with this one. I would rename the old one in case this makes it worse... However its worth a shot. I scanned with Norton anti-virus just in case. I also agree you should get rid of Windows ME.. However if that is what came with the computer and you have not upgraded it at all putting Windows XP on it is not a good idea.. Windows XP needs alot of ram and a nice speed processor. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
** Disclaimer **<o:p></o:p>
Remember if you are not familiar with replacing DLL files or how to get into the system if this locks up your computer beyond use seek a PROFESSIONAL... You would not want your computer guy making his own signs and I am sure he does not want you fixing your computer. <o:p></o:p>
Anyway here is the link,<o:p></o:p>

Good Luck...


New Member
And, the norton is notorius for conflicts with other softwares..
Norton is well known resoruce hog and has its problems in other arena's as well.

A computer shop I was involved with when ME was around refused to work on any ME machines. It was that bad..


New Member
JMDigital said:
You would not want your computer guy making his own signs and I am sure he does not want you fixing your computer.

I must be an exception then =)

I was hired as a graphic designer, but because of my computer background I am now also the Network Admin, as well as the Print Operator for our large format printer.

Mike Paul

Premium Subscriber
Windows ME is pretty bad even with windows updates. It's an older sytem and upgrading the operating system would probably cause other issues. I'll give the Dll a shot.

Kevin Huffman

New Member
I completely aggree with you Mike Paul, Windows ME is the bastard step child of microsoft. Windows 98 was out for about 2 1/2 to 3 years and microsoft needed money to fund the whole Windows 2000 project. So they released a Windows 98 with some new bells and wistles that weren't ready to be released. They called it Windows ME. Once Windows 2000 was released it was pushed ME under the rug and never really 100% completely fixed. I usually tell my customers to pick one, either Windows 98 or Windows 2000 and burn their copy of Windows ME. It just has to many things wrong with it to work properly.


New Member
Mike Paul said:
Windows ME is pretty bad even with windows updates. It's an older sytem and upgrading the operating system would probably cause other issues. I'll give the Dll a shot.

Let us know if it works..