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1st Semi Tractor - Pricing?


New Member
Hey everyone,
I've been in business for two years and just got my first inquiry to do a semi-tractor trailer. I've done many work trucks and a small handful of enclosed trailers and box trucks.
Now the price I came to for the job is $1500.00 give or take. Does this sound reasonable? I'm thinking it's low but the trailer isn't a wrap just lettering and striping.
My shop rate is $40.00 and I estimate materials to come in under $600.00.
I've included an attachment of one of the existing trailers.


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New Member
You are doing the striping as well? I would say you are a bit on the low end, but so is your shop rates, but if
you are comfortable and feel you are making money, then you are good.


New Member
Thanks Tammie, that's exactly the advice I was looking for, ie. something I may be overlooking. Striping is a pain and may take more time than I'm anticipating. So I doubled up my install time and end up with a number closer to $2000.
Thanks for your input,


New Member
Shop rate seems low to me but besides that your new number seems ok to me.

your install might be a walk in the park, but those trailers are never squeaky-clean when they come in. Always winds up being twice as much cleaning as anticipated ...and twice as many rivots.


New Member
How did you calculate your shop rate... its seams incredibly low.

Low overhead, my shop is attached to my house. It used to be an antique shop, now it's a 900 sqft sign shop. We bought it a few years ago during the crash of the housing bubble, so our mortgage is low to boot.

That said having been at it for two years, the first year the business did better than expected but I made less than expected. So last year I figured out my shop rate and priced accordingly. Business grew and so did my earnings but still not enough. Just months ago I adjusted up again. Part of the problem is not having separate utilities, this makes it hard to nail down a shop rate. Maybe I should just adjust my shop rate to $60 and potentially not have to do it again in another year?
I agree with MikePro...these always take extra cleaning.

Give yourself more install time, believe me they won't complain about your rates. If you're worried about securing the job, you could bid higher and tell them you'll adjust the invoice if the install takes less time. I've done that in the past when I wasn't sure how long an install would take.


New Member
Since truck lettering and signs have become a commodity like sliced baloney
I've changed my pricing to by the pound of vynull used.
$100. per pound.
By looking at that truck it looks like about 25 lbs including transfer tape.
So I would be around $2500 for that.
If we can get $1,000 for this Volvo in 4 colors of 10 year cast vinyl, you can get a lot more for that trailer.


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New Member
Thanks Everybody!

It's good to hear some outside perspective to weigh against my own. It's really helpful.
Thanks again,


Premium Subscriber
Is there a great deal on the rear doors ?? I don't see $600 worth of vinyl for those two sides. Even adding the rear would barely hit $600.

I would imagine about 3 hours to cut, weed and tape everything. Prep the truck another 3 hours. Set up equipment twice on each side, maybe 1 -1/2 hours. Lay the copy on and on spoiler... 6 hours. Another 2-1/2 hours a side doing the striping. Clean up an hour or so. If you can live with $1,500 good for you. If you need $2,000 better for you. Only you know what your local market will bear. Don't get greedy, just because someone else tells you they can get more. Seeing is believing. Cash in your pocket is tops.


New Member
Quoted a guy $750.00 last week for both doors, DOT#'s and a custom family crest on bunk and hood. I thought it was extremely competitive. He whined and complained about the price so much I'm glad he chose another shop. It was an $80,000 rig and 750 was too much for decals….

If you quoted 2000 stick to your guns.