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I hate working weekends!


New Member
It's extremely rare for me to work weekends, but I took on a rush job and it took longer than I had anticipated. So instead of partying this weekend, I spent it working on these two signs. The Aquatic Park sign is close to 8' in length and the smaller Splash Park is a little over 5'.

The design was supplied and it was left up to me on how to turn this into a nice sign. Materials are a combination of HDU and PVC, enamel and latex paints. The whiskers are made from electrical wire.


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New Member
Thanks everyone. Photos don't show very well but the eyes, tongue and mouth are all raised in bas relief. The paint kind of hides the depth of it, but in real life it does show up better.


Wow, You make work like this and complain about working on weekends? What's wrong with you this is amazing lookin :)

"Deposit Please"

New Member
You can always keep the beer on ice, but never works so well keeping clients on it. Awesome job:thumb: bet that beer on ice will be a little colder and smoother.


New Member
Did they build the place and finally say we need a sign ? Very nice !

Ironic huh... These are the same clients I did the Discovery sign last month for. So I'm not sure why they waited until two weeks before opening this new section to order signs. I've had a run on last minute signs this year. But nothing like the Health Department ordering their sign two weeks before their 75th anniversary... You have to wonder when somebody figured that was coming up?