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Tricks for wrapping without removing door handles and mirrors


New Member
Here's my dilemma I have 3 cars to wrap in a matter of days, have a customer that is a regular and he wants 3 of his company vehicles wrapped asap. He says he doesnt want to remove the door handles or mirrors because it takes me longer when I have done it in the past. How do you guys wrap a whole vehicle without removing these items? I think the door handle would be easy but I tried practicing on my own vehicle on wrapping the door but the mirror is stationary and I seem to be cutting too much out of the wrap to let the mirror through. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Circleville Signs

New Member
Why are you letting the client dictate how you do the job? Seems ass-backwards to me.

It takes what, about 20 minutes to remove the mirrors for each vehicle? Is that 1 hour over a 3 day period really THAT big of a deal? It will take you MUCH more time than that to try to wrap around the obstacles.


New Member
Do the job as you thinks it should be done. Who cares what the customer says, is he the professional or you.


Active Member
remind him that the extra time spent doing it right, eliminates the excess trimmed edges and, therefore, makes less spots to potentially peel/curl down the road... therefore extending the life of his wrap.

also, it takes just as much effort to properly trim those lines anyways... you wouldn't be saving time at all. offer to let him remove his own hardware prior to install, if he wants to save a buck on labor.


New Member
So am I correct to assume that none of the people who responded know how to do it, if not that is fine. I am looking for someone who has done it and could tell me how. Not to mention all cars do not have easily removeable door handles and mirrors. Case in point I did an Infiniti FX35 where I had to take off the interior door panel first just to get to the screws for the mirrors, not trying to do that for every vehicle. Why can't people just answer the questions if they know the answer?????


New Member
Hand him the wrap and tell him he will have to install them himself if he dosn't want the handlles and mirrors removed.


New Member
Door handles are not really too much of a problem but its those darn stationary mirrors its a 97 Firebird. I have seen videos of people wrapping without removing these things just not enough detail in those videos to get the technique. I just want to know a different method also, its not all him dictating the job, I want to hone my skills as well.


Active Member
for mirrors, i measure and cut a hole smaller than needed for the stem of the mirror (circular) so that it stretches, but doesn't tear, the material as I shove it through... heat will shrink the hole size back to normal, fine line and trim, peel back, remove fine-line, reheat and reapply.
(for measuring, I take a short cut by alignining my panel where I want to lay it down, and press my hand across it until I reach the edge of the mirror and draw a line where it creases and mark top/bottom like a "C" and then I cut my hole inside the marks.... I also usually start here as my first tile... handles are easy but mirrors are a pain to do this way)

for handles, I lay down fine-line masking tape before applying the graphic, cut, peel back the graphic without tearing, remove the tape, apply primer94, and reheat and lay down the graphic back in place. The customer should be aware that there will most likely be a "reveal" around the door handle, as you cannot possibly trim or apply a graphic where you can't lay/remove fine-line tape (noted, in case you don't know, trimming directly on a car panel WILL result in rust and deterioration of the edges of yoru graphic).


New Member
I have done it too many time to count but to tell you the correct way to do it is near impossible, but I will try. you basically tackle the door handle first and then get the wrap pushed tight to the bottom of the window trim and under the mirror, then you start carefully trimming out little by little to make sure you don't take out too much, but like most have said, it will actually take you longer to do it this way rather than remove it. Hope this helps.

Circleville Signs

New Member
So, basically, you don't know what the hell you are doing, and simply want a shortcut answer. That's fine, but just say it like it is.

Of COURSE you have to take off the damn door panel. That takes what, 5 minutes and a cordless screw driver? Then you've got what, another 5 minutes to unlcip the wiring, and pull out a few more screws.

And the end result will look 100x better than your concept of trimming it out.

Of course, I'm just an idiot who doesn't know how to do it, according to you.



New Member
Yes you are an idiot Circleville because you obviously didnt read my first post. I have done plenty by taking the handles and mirrors off. But
like anything there is more than 1way to do everything,just because you don't know how doesnt mean it can't be done. Thanks for those who did give some pointers on t
heir methods,that's all I asked for to begin with.

Circleville Signs

New Member
No, you obviously HAVE NOT done "many" where you took the door handles and mirrors off, and you have obviously done NONE where you haven't.

Myself and a couple of others, EVEN THOSE WHO TOLD YOU WAYS AROUND IT, have said that your best bet is to remove the mirrors and handles (although I can see not removing handles). This will save you time and make the final product better.

How hard is that to understand?


Active Member
time spent arguing = time wasted that could have been used negotiating with the client, if you're in a rush to get this job done.

ultimately, i've got $20 on it that it takes you less time to remove hardware than to work around it.
just +1'ing :)


New Member
MikePro has a point, the time spent asking this question and getting and answer you could have removed the hardware and had it wrapped by now. Just my 2 cents.


New Member
Yes you are an idiot Circleville because you obviously didnt read my first post.

hmmm, being an ass to guys who try to help, and who have participated here 20 times more then you... well, I ain't taking sides, but you just might screw yourself when the hundreds of potentially helpful people here who might appreciate Circleville's participation, might decide that you are not worth their breath, because you are an ass to people who waste time trying to help you in thy way they wish to help, instead of the way you require...

...maybe you'd be better off turning that ass holiness toward your one client who's trying to tell you how to help him... instead turning on several folks here & telling them exactly how they are allowed to help you :omg:


Premium Subscriber

You're quite right on that. I've gotten to the point where... when I see people looking a gift horse in the mouth, regardless of how many posts or the content of the information.... if they're the ones coming here for help and then want to complain about how that help comes in.... why do we waste our time helping these know-it-alls ??

I'm not insinuating this pertains to this OP, but some answers are wrong sometimes and need to be questioned also, but why must everyone cop an attitude right away ??

:thumb:I guess at the beginning of everyone's posts from now on, maybe we should all put in a disclaimer as of the validity of their post or not and let the requester beware. :ROFLMAO:​


New Member
I guess you guys really get entertainment from this more than wholesome advice. Yes i am not as experienced as others may say they are but I asked a simple question. I value all the answers that are HELPFUL, I think some of you guys see posts like mine as a way to tell everyone else I am better than you.....so what. True enough it may take less time to remove than to cut around but no matter how many times anyone says it I still like to know firsthand by trying it. The method that works for you may not work for me, its many guys that may frown on people using digimask to mask a wrap for application and some people that swear by it, or those that use a paint roller rather than a rollepro for rivets. My whole point is just because you don't do it or can't doesn't mean someone else can't. You guys are a riot anyway seems like you use this forum to release all your tension from the day, whatever works for you. Like I said before thank you to all that have tried and gave their methods.


Premium Subscriber
  • That's why I'm here.... for the sheer level of entertainment.

Television these days is quite boring and it's all pre-recorded and they take the bloopers out. This place is LIVE and the bloopers stay unless you alter it, but it will tell you so.

Don't get your panties all up in a wad over this. Today, you're the entertainment, tomorrow it will be some spammer or plumber who wants to letter his own truck and comes here in sheep's clothing.

It doesn't matter what you, I or anyone else thinks about who is better or not.... it's all about how YOU perform and put food on your and your employees' table. Once you fall into that pit of comparing yourself to others, you'll be thinking why is he doing better than me... he doesn't deserve it..... or I'm better than that oaf.... why can't I make the money he's making ?? Last, I'm the best around and I can do anything I want. Once you start forming opinions about people you've never met or know anything about, you're gonna be doomed. Envy is not a very attractive trait.

mark in tx

New Member
I asked a simple question

And you got the best answer. "Do it right, remove the mirrors and handles."

But if you want to go ahead and lay the vinyl over the handle and trim around, then do it. Go ahead, cut into the clearcoat, leave a ragged trim, and be proud of yourself for not giving the customer a reasonable expectation of how long it will take to wrap the vehicle and have a professional looking result.

Then later on you can wonder why you don't make enough money at doing vehicle wraps and piss and moan about the companies doing it for $6.00 a sq/ft and you can't even keep the shop open at those prices.