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WYLD GFI...minor flooding but back up and running.


Merchant Member
Haven't been on here a while but figured I would put a post out. Last week we were hit by the remnants of Ida here in NJ. Our shop partially flooded with 6-7 inches of water. All the roll substrates we had were compromised as well as 2 of my large latex printers. Colex table is still down until the computer is replaced and a technician does a full check on it. My flatbed and small latex made it through so we are up and running with limited capacity. Hard work over the weekend by myself and employees have gotten us back this far.

I feel for everyone out there who has been hit worse than us....homes have been destroyed and lots of people are hurting. Ill say my experience is a hiccup in comparison. Bigger picture is I know there are more people out there in worse shape than we are. Think of them....

**Posted this in the subscriber only section previously**


Merchant Member
Thanks everyone....we have partial capacity right now and the router table coming back online tomorrow or Friday latest.
The water came from the rain and street...ran down off of a train trestle in our area and from the sewers. Creek behind the shop never crested.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
Thanks for the update Bill! I"ve been wondering how our friends in the path of Ida have faired.


Merchant Member
Recovery has been ongoing. I appreciate all the wishes, but...HP Is now becoming my nemesis in this. I was told in no uncertain terms today by the HP lease salesperson that HP support no longer feels they can assist me in recovering or facilitating repairs on my 2 1500 printers. I called in to support, paid my $195 today and asked for a call back with a technician. The call back never occurred. Needless to say I am LIVID. Electrically, one is alive and the other is still in limbo.

I have been in touch with balstestrat and he has been very helpful...but this is something that needs to be troubleshot by a tech on site.
IF anyone has an alternative HP support outlet, I would greatly appreciate it.
I am bringing my leasing company to bear as well at this point to see if there is any pressure to be applied by them. I believe its in HP's interest to get these up and running effectively once again and its surprising to say the least that they are washing their hands of me.


Very Active Signmaker
Is HP just saying they can't be fixed? Do you have flood insurance to cover the machines? Sounds like you're in a tough spot...sorry to hear.


Merchant Member
No flood insurance...not in a flood zone so not required. HP doesn't WANT to fix them. HP hasn't given me any new information as to why they are making this decision. MY printers only had 6 inches of water or so on them....enough to take out the PSUs in the E Cabinet, 3 pips on one side and the electro valves over there as well. I think a Moby for the Precoater needs to be replaced as well. On one note....I was able to breathe life into one of the units. I replaced the PSUs and checked all the fuses and of course had a couple error codes thrown at me for ink leaks. Balt has been of great assistance but getting a phone call going in real time is needed for some of the work I have to do. HP is actually denying me the opportunity to speak with a tech on the phone in real time or via email as well. Again...reason unknown. But, in discussing with the sales manager of the company I purchased the printers through....there are 2 other outfits in my area that have apparently been told the same thing. One place having an R1000 thats only 6 months old on the floor and likely fully flooded.
I was able to locate an outfit in GA....Grafixnetwork...that might be able to work on my printers and advise me but not open on Saturday of course.

If ANYONE knows of an outfit that can provide support for HP 1500s outside of HP, I would greatly appreciate the help and contact info.


New Member
This is why I absolutely despise HP. I can list several horror stories I have had with them but it’s not worth my time and effort. Hope you are able to get it resolved and HP does something right.


New Member
Sorry about the loss and aggravation. I have been traveling and just saw the post this morning. We are in Paterson, NJ and can offer our equipment during off hours (hp365 and fb550).

Diversified Display's technicians perform all our troubleshooting and repairs. I would trust them to assist.

PM me if I can be of assistance.


Merchant Member
I appreciate the offer SB.....its our lack of 10ft and volume capabilities that are wearing on myself and clients. Trying to look at today with an optimistic view...but feeling Im going to be deeply aggravated by HP once again.


Merchant Member
For lack of a better analogy, if you don't have the proper insurance.... HP ABANDONS THEIR CLIENTS.

They suck. I have my shopping list...I just need to do the work on my own once the parts arrive.


New Member
I really hate to hear that. Its very frustrating when you are loyal to a vendor and they just abandon you when things get tough. HP makes a good product, but they have absolutely zero customer loyalty and could care less about them. I could go on for hours about how mad they have made me and you have no recourse for their actions (highly unethical). Hope you get this worked out and get back up and running quickly.


Merchant Member
Potentially good update here: Did some checking into the power supplies and got more life into one unit. Got the carriage to move correctly! lol...its the little things at this point I guess. Still waiting on the dang parts...Fedex lost one shipment, the other set hasn't shipped yet from HP...just one thing after another.
Anyone have any Latex Ink Tube 90 degree fittings for these machines??? lol


Merchant Member
Those are the 7 damn things keeping me from being up and running...and Fedex cant seem to get them delivered to the correct address.