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So Im bidding a job....


Active Member
When you do use a vinyl stencil, which is not appropriate for this job, use Paint Mask vinyl.
This job should be either pounced, projected or gridded.


New Member
Find a wall dog

This is not a job for vinyl letters. Technology is a wonderful thing but sometimes you have to look back in time to find the answer. You can use your big plotter to make a paper pattern. Pounce the pattern and transfer the pounced image with a pounce bag to the wall. Mix up some bulletin color and get your brushes wet. If this seems scary to you then ask around and find an old wall dog to subcontract this job to. Pay him $2000 and mark it up another $500 to your customer. You won't be able to get the job and make a $500 profit trying to make it happen with vinyl stencils.


New Member
At that height, I would use a pounce pattern and chalk lines.
A projector would require a lot of up and down on ladders or scaffolds and still might distort.
I can't see the length of the thing or the height of the letters.
Cast vinyl would be an expensive PITA, a paint mask would be a pain too and cost way more.
Client would be responsible for primer coat.
I'd probably use Ronan Bulletin enamels or else Novacolors.
As an example of price, I got $2500 for this job (covering old sign) and it was about 16'x12' with more colors than just black, and this was over 2 years ago.


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