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This job scares me...

Stacey K

I like making signs
I met with a new business today. She opens Thursday as in two days. She is looking to have me do some Gemini Letters, ASAP. Total comes to about $1000 COGS - which I would demand the deposit of $1000. She also wants 3 large windows with gold vinyl and a door, which I haven't priced out yet.

The name was familiar so I asked around. Turns out she was just walked out of her previous job for embezzling possibly millions of dollars over a couple decades and having each of her kids on the payroll even though they never worked there. She's looking at federal prison time. This occurred at Christmas and apparently it will take a while to go through all the accounting records so she isn't in jail now. She was very pushy with me.

A few have told me to run as far and as fast as I can. Others tell me to demand full payment up front and make some money. I did not give her any pricing or say if I could do the job yet. Curious what opinions some of you might have.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
We had a job several years ago where we had done window graphics for a daiquiri bar. They weren't our client - it was a wholesale gig. Anyway, that bar had a very controversial drink called "Date Grape Koolaid". It was a big to-do... the landlord kicked him out. He sued the landlord because it was an illegal eviction and won. He was going to open the same bar in a new location, with his new winnings and wanted to redo the graphics. I felt weird about it, but I never even met the guy. Anyway, the graphics were all paid for, but the bar never re-opened. I guess he went to jail for using his minor daughters name to obtain a liquor license.
Now that I have shared that little story - I was going to say run, but maybe Z Signs has a point. Get paid first and you don't have to worry about weather or not she stay's in business or even opens up. I wouldn't brag about working with her though. lol.
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Active Member
"A few have told me to run as far and as fast as I can. Others tell me to demand full payment up front and make some money. I did not give her any pricing or say if I could do the job yet. Curious what opinions some of you might have."

Ask yourself. . . "How do I feel about taking dirty or cursed money?"
Do what fits within your moral compass. If you do the right thing, somewhere along the line you will find reward.
Your Karma can be be either a Bitch or a Blessing depending on you alone.


New Member
Small town 'murica gossip? If someone told you she embezzled millions, it must be true!

If you don't trust the person, I agree get full payment up front and do a good job. SignRex might think her money is cursed... but how can you be sure?


Active Member
It all depends on your threshold of risk and that is something that only you can answer. I know some that would do things that if the risk of getting caught was low enough they would be fine with doing it, regardless of the legality. That same type of thinking applies here.

If the risk of something coming back and biting you is low enough in your mind that you aren't worried about it, then do it. If it is enough for you to worry about it, then don't do it and don't dwell on what shoulda coulda woulda been.


New Member
I wouldn't sleep at night, even with that $1000 under my pillow. Particularly in a small town, dishonest people latch onto your reputation to make themselves seem legitimate. Had a neighbor once that I sold promotional products, always paid, but found out later after he moved that he used my name as his 'Marketing VP' to try to raise money for a new business venture. He ended up in legal trouble and went broke. Actually the second time something similar happened. A board member I worked with while I was treasurer of a local youth organization formed a bogus 'non-profit' and claimed I was the treasurer.


Premium Subscriber
For me, it's not enough money to get involved over. Things could go wrong and if there is a paper trail...... the law can back track transactions up to 6 months and demand you return it all. Now, you're out the money....... AND the signs.

No waivers, no layers, no nothing will get you outta participating with someone with this background. If you still,wanna do it, ask her point blank what's up ??


Active Member
Look at it this way. If you "possibly embezzled millions of dollars" you don't just walk out of a job. This isn't the movies.

If one of your employees embezzled thousands of dollars in vinyl... Would you just let him quit? I bet he'd be in jail. Let alone millions, plus paying people who aren't even working... Etc.

Do you ask people if their felons before doing their work? Would you refuse to make a Catholic banner, or an atheist banner?

Plus, You're in America... Innocent until proven guilty! There's no feeling guilty, there shouldn't be any morality question here.

For all you know this is some sort of high school like drama where this person pissed off the wrong drama queen so she started all these rumors and now this lady is just trying to move on with her life and make a living.

Our job is to make signs and get paid, not to judge people nor pass judgement on them. It shouldn't be a question of should I, until it gets proven that they did what they're accused of.

You think the grocery stores and gas stations see her coming and shut the pumps down or lock the doors?

I say let the law handle the legal issues, and you handle her signage needs.


Active Member
Plus, You're in America... Innocent until proven guilty!

Not any more. It's the age of calling out culture where you are guilty based on immutable characteristics.

And by the way, you would be amazed at what goes on in small towns. It is very much a different world. My wife is from a small town, there was an embezzlement curfuffle there. You would be surprised how things are handled.


Active Member
Small town 'murica gossip? If someone told you she embezzled millions, it must be true!

If you don't trust the person, I agree get full payment up front and do a good job. SignRex might think her money is cursed... but how can you be sure?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not passing judgement on either the customer nor the condition of the money. I simply said that the OP needed to follow their own moral compass and decide what they feel is right.. I was just giving my own honest opinion.
Only they/he/she, can choose the path to take... and live with it. It's not always as easy as "Taking the money and run".
We all must have a compass in life and business.
I've been in this game long enough to understand the map and enjoy the rewards of following (as well as the sorrows of ignoring) my compass when choosing a trail.
"Are we here for the the play itself, or are we here for the end goal"?