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Any thoughts on the design


Very Active Signmaker
I already did this sign but I kind of use this as a rough template for the other properties. Any feedback on the layout? PS I'm aware the phone number was mis-aligned in this photo. I since corrected it, sometime my cutter will "Jump" like half an inch when cutting...real annoying.



It's better to have two hands than one glove.
It looks like a bunch of disparate parts pasted together. There's no flow and continuity of the copy.


Premium Subscriber
The posts do not fit the sign. Personally, I never liked those cones, either. Just cheap Home Depot decor.

Far too much information for on a sign of this nature. Colors are kinda harsh. Border is overbearing. Line spacing is really bad. If you hafta use all that information, the flow of importance seems messed up. Too much of the same type style.

I'm sure I'll think of something else, in the next few minutes.

I am not being condescending or mean, just brutally honest. :toasting:

Does the little icon make it hurt less, like some believe ??


New Member
Way too much info on the sign. It might be a better idea to have a smaller sign under the main sign with all contact and address info on it. Words like "the" hard to place on a sign and maintain a good balance. I am not a fan of the fonts you used but am OK with the blending it into the word Bend. One special effect like that can work but not so much when it is repeated as in "in Bullard" as it does start to look like a bunch of parts pasted together as mentioned.


Very Active Signmaker
Yea my thoughts exactly about the amount of info and the flow. If I can find it I'll post my version of the sign, and not the one the customer wanted. Gino, would you use post caps? I agree those look weird but what kind would you suggest?

Johnny Best

Active Member
Looks like a typical sign we see everyday all over the place.
Why not just not show the posts sticking up above the sign because there is a lot of things going on as mentioned. Home Depot sells a simple wood flat top for 4x4posts to finish them off.


Very Active Signmaker
Way too much info on the sign. It might be a better idea to have a smaller sign under the main sign with all contact and address info on it. Words like "the" hard to place on a sign and maintain a good balance. I am not a fan of the fonts you used but am OK with the blending it into the word Bend. One special effect like that can work but not so much when it is repeated as in "in Bullard" as it does start to look like a bunch of parts pasted together as mentioned.

I like your idea of a second smaller sign! Yea I wanted "in Bullard" separate but had to blend in cause I couldn't talk them out of doing away with a lot of the wording.


Professional Snow Ninja
I would have cut the posts so they don't go over the top of the sign. You've routed the shape, might as well let it be seen instead of hindered by the ugly posts. I'm not a fan of Rage Italic, so not digging the fonts. Like stated you've got a lot of info on the sign, but I think it could be made to work with a bit of reconfiguring and deciding what is most important. Address at top of sign as people are usually looking for numbers when driving. The managed and maintained line does not need to be that large and could be a simple sans serif font tucked in somewhere. The established would look sharp as a little hanging sign below. Maybe in the shape of a star? Phone number and web on separate lines and centered.

Also, exactly what Marlene said about the double overlap. I'd keep the Bullard part overlapped, but nix the "the" as it can simply be added in at the top without the overlap. Just my two cents.


New Member
I agree with cutting the post off and not having them stick up above the sign. Flat caps or a flat cap with a ball would looked a little better. Also agree with fenris242 about keeping the overlap with the in Bullard and getting rid of the overlap for "the". It is hard working with a customer who wants things done in a certain way.


Very Active Signmaker
Thanks for the feedback. I was bothered by the posts too and I like your idea of making them smaller and using different caps.


New Member
Your kerning needs a lot of correcting on the script font, as it's disconnected in places where it looks like it should connect. There are a few other kerning issues as well (N. W.P., 20 1 4).

Also, the inside corners of your white border, where the curve at the top meets the horizontal, should be mitred, not rounded. It looks inconsistent and it's the first thing my eyes were drawn to.


Very Active Signmaker

I like the fonts you chose! This looks good.

Your kerning needs a lot of correcting on the script font, as it's disconnected in places where it looks like it should connect. There are a few other kerning issues as well (N. W.P., 20 1 4).

Also, the inside corners of your white border, where the curve at the top meets the horizontal, should be mitred, not rounded. It looks inconsistent and it's the first thing my eyes were drawn to.

I'm sorry but I'm not sure what that means.


New Member
I like the fonts you chose! This looks good.

I'm sorry but I'm not sure what that means.

The second "L" in Bullard where it leads into the "a" and the "r" where it leads into the "d" are a couple of places where the font needs kerning as it doesn't look right.


Very Active Signmaker
It's kerning. Letter spacing (aka tracking) is when you add or remove space between all the letters in a block of text. Kerning is when you adjust the spacing between particular pairs of characters.

Thank you for explaining that, I'll pay attention to that when designing.

Looks like a typical sign we see everyday all over the place.
Why not just not show the posts sticking up above the sign because there is a lot of things going on as mentioned. Home Depot sells a simple wood flat top for 4x4posts to finish them off.

Well, I'm glad I'm at the level of typical sign... I'll take a "C" over an "F"! I'll work on getting the grade up.


Very Active Signmaker
Here's a quick layout with a few suggestions. The last one is more of a pet peeve :)

Wow, really like your take on it. The posts caps are subtle and I like what you did about making the border subtle and the compound at the bottom for all that wording. This gives me some good ideas!

This is one that I originally came up with before the customer got involved. Front was a little weird but less wordy.


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