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new shop van wrap

Wraps ink

New Member
new wrap for the shop van


  • van wrap.jpg
    van wrap.jpg
    96.6 KB · Views: 155


New Member
I don't know about this design, I would say it doesn't fit right.

What happened to the word "signs" and why is the back of the "ink" graphic cut-off at the tail light?



  • van%20wrap(crop signs).jpg
    van%20wrap(crop signs).jpg
    42.6 KB · Views: 120
  • van%20wrap(crop back).jpg
    van%20wrap(crop back).jpg
    63.5 KB · Views: 127


New Member
I think it's excellent, actually. There are not many wraps that actually sell the product. This one succeeds. Wheels are a nice touch. Hanging some copy is totally fine. Let us know how much it boosts your biz, b/c it will for sure.

Dan Antonelli

New Member
Looks good. My only critique is that I wish the phone number was more legible, and there was a web address. And as stated above the word 'signs' feels a little low on the layout. But otherwise name and brand are legible, and eyecatching. Nice!

Dan Antonelli

New Member
On a different note, do you think the left vertical stroke on the word 'wraps' seems like maybe it's not leaning left enough? At a quick glance my brain initially wants to read it 'INRAPS' because the W doesn't look enough like a W.

Could be just me though!


New Member
No I thought that too Dan, you beat me to it.
I read it as Inwraps then had to look at the username to see that it was actually wraps.
That and the W in the oval seeming to have a different slant are the two things that bug me.
Would have liked to see the phone number in light grey or even white.
But other than that I do like it.


New Member
passes the thumbnail test! i like it!
couple of cut-offs, but whatevs. most likely just dove right into getting it DONE and shifted a bit over during install.


New Member
I would say the same that was previously stated, aside from that I like it and it looks good!


New Member
I think it looks pretty good :thumb:

My critiques: Phone number is to small and dark compared to the other text and you don't have enough negative space in that design. The main graphics look to big for the space. Reducing them a little would have went a long way to balancing everything.

Overall i give it an 90/100 rating :thumb::thumb:


New Member
On a different note, do you think the left vertical stroke on the word 'wraps' seems like maybe it's not leaning left enough? At a quick glance my brain initially wants to read it 'INRAPS' because the W doesn't look enough like a W.

Could be just me though!

It wasn't just you Dan. That was the first thing that jumped right out at me too. Other than that, its not bad.


New Member
Dan Antonelli said:
On a different note, do you think the left vertical stroke on the word 'wraps' seems like maybe it's not leaning left enough? At a quick glance my brain initially wants to read it 'INRAPS' because the W doesn't look enough like a W.

Could be just me though!

Good call Dan