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Pan Face


New Member
I'm doing a 5x8 lighted pan sign in one color (black) I just wanted some feedback on any of these layouts or what direction i should go with.. (not all are finished, just working, but #4 is my favorite so far


New Member
#3 with the nice "and" from #1. there's a ton of info and #3 the words sewing and embroidery show up the best so at least, people will have a clue what they do.


New Member
the road is a busy street where the sign is going. Speed limit is 35 and it's about 12' in the air and double sided and about 10' from the road. If i do #3 the sewing/embroidery is almost 9" tall and #4 it's 5.5"


Premium Subscriber
I know you said one color, but in a sense, it's still one color with about a 70% screen. I also removed the phone because personally, I don't like phone numbers on large signs... especially electric.
slappy sewing.jpg


New Member
If i do #3 the sewing/embroidery is almost 9" tall and #4 it's 5.5"

being larger can't hurt but it is more about having to search around the layout to find out what they do. #3 is better to me as I saw it right off and the next thing I saw was the little slanted boxed area below that told me more that they do custom embroidery and alterations. since people are driving by, it seems like that is what you would want to see first as the who and phone number will only be important once the customer sees that the business does something they need done.


New Member
What you really need to do is prioritize your copy. What do you want to be read first, second, etc. I like iconic graphics since you dont need to read the sign but simply recognize it quickly. If they have a developed logo and use it to create brand recognition then I would make that the largest but for most small businesses the number one thing is "what do you do?" and the name is really not that important unless its already established with a good reputation and moving.


New Member
How about these two.. I'm still leaning toward 1 though:banghead: 2 seems like it's missing something somewhere.. dunno
Phone no. has to go, regardless of what you do. It's unnecessary and it's killing your layouts. Too much information. Who. What. Where. That's it. That's the list. And you don't need Where on this one.


New Member
Phone no. has to go, regardless of what you do. It's unnecessary and it's killing your layouts. Too much information. Who. What. Where. That's it. That's the list. And you don't need Where on this one.

agree. I'm guessing that the customer is insisting that it be there. try putting it in the base of the sewing machine so it is there but doesn't add a whole lot to the layout. then you can expand the custom/alterations


New Member
phone number might be hard to get rid of with customer... but i'll check

here is another... thoughts please


New Member
not thinking that last idea is going in a good direction. the name on an arc looks really weak. the sewing machine does pretty much tell what they do, but it seems way to big


New Member
here's your layout with a band to help break up some of the copy. some times, it helps to make panels with info on them when a customer gives you a book to write.


  • sew 1.jpg
    sew 1.jpg
    65.9 KB · Views: 104


New Member
Your customer is no doubt asking for all the dross on this poor sign.
From the description of the sign's location it needs to be kept uber simple. Nobody driving by will have time to read all that.

Most people would figure out that they do sewing and embroidery if you put "sewing and embroidery" on the sign. No need to have it on there twice.
I'd make it bold and simple so it could be read from down the block.


  • RoweSewing.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 119


New Member
Agree with SignMeUp 100%

None of your layouts are effective for a lighted sign cabinet. What you offered was a business card blown up to fit on a sign. You will have to educate this client and get it through his/her head that less is more, especially for a road sign.


New Member
Something like this would work better. Show the client both versions and make them do a squint test from a distance.


  • Rowe.jpg
    45.7 KB · Views: 107


Font Sage
Keep the name and the sewing graphic together in a panel :smile:


  • 1.jpeg
    168.4 KB · Views: 134


New Member
wow! I didn't see the other post! you guys are awesome! I appreciate the ideas!

tiki, how'd you get the stitching to look like that. I tried that on a few of the previous layouts and couldn't get it to look right... (i was using flexi's stripe tool)


New Member
Your customer is no doubt asking for all the dross on this poor sign.
From the description of the sign's location it needs to be kept uber simple. Nobody driving by will have time to read all that.

Most people would figure out that they do sewing and embroidery if you put "sewing and embroidery" on the sign. No need to have it on there twice.
I'd make it bold and simple so it could be read from down the block.


Up to your post signmeup I couldn't understand why people were trying to put the copy on twice.



Of the above words, which one(s) are not needed?

If they don’t make complete dresses or suits, then Sewing is not needed.
Alteration should be used only. Besides, you already have a graphic of a sewing machine.


You could also drop the "AND".

Just my thought on the copy.
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