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Beer Company Logo


New Member
This is a beer brand logo I did recently for a friend using some of the great LostType fonts. I really love these fonts, but now I see them EVERYWHERE!


  • FatHop.jpg
    47.5 KB · Views: 139


New Member
Isn't that always the way when you find a font you really love?
You did a nice job, Phillip, it's clean and easy to ready plus it makes me want to go out and have a beer.


New Member
Very, very nice!

As for the Lost-Type fonts. I've been seeing them everywhere too. Not sure if you guys have Jack Astors In the States, but I went there recently and their whole menu is made up of their fonts.


New Member
Thats awesome. Dark bottle or clear? You should try and match the background to the beer bottle/color so you get an idea of what it will look like applied.


New Member
lol..that's great John!

Weasel, I'm not sure on the bottle color. This is just an overall logo for the company, not for a particular beer label.

Makes me thirsty for a nice IPA though. :)


New Member
Looks like it is designed for a dimensional sign as well!
It's always fun to try to do a relief on a logo that just isn't designed for anything except printing and or painting.
I like it!


New Member
love the colors and that it is simple without a lot of extras. small brewers seem to go all out with some overaly complex designs for their labels.they look nice but when you put them all together in a cooler, it is hard for any to stand out. your nice clean design will make this product stand out from the rest. nice work as usual

Joe Diaz

New Member
I love it. It's great! The only thing I would suggest... and it's so minor that I almost didn't mention it, is to move "Fat Hop" over to the right just a smidge. I know it's technically centered now, but visually because of the negative space to the bottom right of the "T" and the "P" if it were moved over just a bit, I feel like it would benefit this already great logo.


Active Member
Awesome work. That begs to be made into so many different types of signs (carved, illuminated, etc.). Bravo!